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December 2018

Join us for a spectacular evening of music and comedy, featuring Olivier Award winning writer and composer Richard Thomas (Jerry Springer – The Opera, Double Emmy-Award nominated The Tracy Ullman Show, and Anna Nicole – The Opera), celebrated concert pianist Philip Edward Fisher and award-winning singer, actor and comedian Sooz Kempner.

The evening will open with Philip Edward Fisher performing a virtuosic rendition of Gershwin’s masterpiece, Rhapsody in Blue.  Audience members will then be treated to the world premiere of Richard Thomas’ Rhapsody in You, followed by a hilarious Christmas romp staring Richard Thomas and Sooz Kempner and featuring songs which are everything you always wanted to say about Christmas but never dared!

Richard Thomas

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Richard Thomas (Composer, Bookwriter, Lyricist) is an Olivier-award winning composer and writer and is best known for writing and composing Jerry Springer - The Opera, the first-ever musical to win all four British 'Best Musical' awards.  ©2018 by Richard Thomas. 

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